With this coverage an insurance company is obliged to pay to the Insured the amounts that he becomes liable, as a civilly responsible according to the law, to pay, as compensation to a third party for any written claim of a third party, as legal compensation for bodily injury, death and / or material damage including non-pecuniary damage / mental suffering. A necessary condition for the above is that they are derived from a covered event, they have been occurred during the insurance policy and are due to acts or omissions of the Insured, which are directly and exclusively related to the exercise of his professional activity as defined by his specialty.
In addition, the Company will compensate the Insured Doctor for the amounts of money that he is legally required to pay as compensation for claims due to:
– Bodily injuries or death caused by the Insured during the provision of first aid in an emergency situation, beyond his specialty.
– Use of x-ray machines for diagnostic purposes.
Use of machines for diathermy and electrotherapy. It is clarified that this extension is valid for doctors.
- Performing minor surgeries in outpatient clinics, even if the professional activity declared and mentioned in the insurance policy does not provide for the performance of surgeries.
– Use of ionizing radiation
– Radiation therapy (electromagnetic radiation which is carried out by a linear accelerator or a cobalt machine and/or particle radiation) in the context of the specialty of the Radiation Therapist Oncologist and Radiodiagnostic physician.
– In the event that the insured maintains a legal private practice in his own name and performs his duties there as well, the coverage is extended to include bodily injury and/or material damage as a result of an accident that may be caused to third parties, from the possession, use and in general operation of the premises and facilities of his practice
Legal Expenses (e.g. attorneys' fees, court costs) pro rata interest, expert fees
appointed by the Company, are included in the Company's liability limit stated in the Table
The Company's liability limit also includes legal support and court costs
expenses, up to the amount of €10,000 for the defense of the insured in criminal courts,
arising from a covered event of this professional liability, for negligence